
 A Model or a Menace ?
Sino-Iranian Relations in the 20th Century

A focus on the 1950s and Mossadegh Era


This talk will explore the relationship between China and Iran in the 20th century, with a focus on the 1950s and the Mossadegh era in particular. It will begin with a brief exploration of historical background, exploring how pre-modern Silk Road ties were transformed by the changes brought about by the advent of colonialism and information sharing technology in the late-19th and early 20th centuries, bringing on the advent of what can be called modern Sino-Iranian relations. Following the Chinese Communist Revolution of 1949, Iranians of all political persuasions began to take a keen interest in the experience of China.



Dr William Figueria, PhD

 Assistant Professor of History and Theory of
International Relations at University of Groningen in Netherlands.


Tuesday October 29th, 2024










Miniature Persane