Online Catalog

FMThe documents of the Iranology Library are organized going by a thematic classification, belonging to our own catalogue.

Each theme is divided into categories. Documents are therefore classified by category and in each category one can find titles in Persian, French and English, if available.


You can view the library's catalog by clicking here: Online Catalog


Here is a list of available subjects and their related identifying digits:

100 - Written or spoken documents by Mossadegh
110 - Books on Mossadegh
120 - Mossadegh - Political factors
140 - Articles on Mossadegh
200 - Persian history until the year 652
230 - Persian and Arab history after the year 652
250 - Safavid Dynasty 1500 - 1787
270 - The Afghans 1720 - 1732
280 - Nader Shah and the Zand Dynasty
290 - The Qajar Dynasty
310 - The Pahlavi Dynasty
330 - The Revolution of 1979
350 - Persia and Iran - miscellaneous
360 - Neighboring regions
390 - Oil
420 - Persian Art
450 - Literature
470 - Philosophy
500 - Children
690 - God and Myths
700 - Religions  
720 - The Coran
920 - Languages
930 - Europe and other countries
950 - Multimedia


You can view the library's catalog by clicking here: Online Catalog


October 29th

A Model or a Menace ?
Sino-Iranian Relations in the 20th Century


Pages d'histoire d'Iran

Mosssadegh pages d histoire d Iran

Adbol Madjid Bayat Mossadegh
Éditions Geuthner - 2012

More information here

Miniature Persane